Saturday 19 April 2014


Have you noticed that...

- The wrong words said at the wrong time is discouraging

- The wrong words said at the right time is frustrating

- The right words said at the wrong time is confusing

- The right words said at the right time is encouraging

The right words at the right time are like a cooling breeze of encouragement that lift the spirit & are treasured for a long time.

Sometimes the best thing we can do for others is to hold our tongue. When tempted to give advice that is not wanted, to show off, to say, "I told you so," or to point out another's error, sometimes the best policy is to say nothing.

We should strive "not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult, to leave unsaid the tempting thing at the wrong moment.

The Practice:

Ask yourself "What would I want to hear if I was in the other person's shoes?"
Then say the right words, at the right time, from your heart to their heart.

You might change someone's day, or even their life.