Saturday, 29 September 2018

Observe your present life situation, do you find yourself in any of the circumstances listed as under:–

-You feel not respected & constantly taken for granted
-You are always the one who is expected to sacrifice your happiness and joy
-You find it difficult to express your opinions & your preferences
-You feel lot of need for other people’s approval (which is usually denied to you) 
-You feel hurt that people don’t reciprocate your acts of goodness (which you basically do so that       they are nice to you)
-You always end up in relationships where your partner does not reciprocate your endless love   (which, in truth, is basically just a form of neediness on your part)
-You find yourself in relationships of chronic emotional dependence, where your partner is almost   “leeching” on your energy (which usually results in yourself emotionally sapped & fatigued) 
-You are usually the fall guy, who takes the brunt of the blame, when something goes wrong   (especially in your work environment or relationships)
-You feel subjected to abuse & exploitation, or getting cheated & betrayed
-You are in denial of the abuse you are subjected to 
-You are constantly wearing a “smile” to appear harmless & docile
-You feel a seething anger within you towards the way you are being exploited, but you constantly   keep suppressing this anger out of a feeling of guilt or inferiority

If “yes” to any of the points mentioned above, it’s an indication of an imbalance in you where you are not aligned with the dimension of hatred in your mind. Remember there is a difference between “being aligned” & “being imbalanced” – being aligned allows for wisdom while being imbalanced causes immature/unwise actions. Sometimes wisdom dictates that you let go of a mistake made by someone & move on, whereas sometimes it’s required that you let that person know very clearly that you are not taking anymore nonsense from them. You gain access to this maturity & wisdom being a REIKI PRACTITIONER.

Learn Reiki, Contact - 9872880634

Friday, 28 September 2018

Living under Stress... PHYSICAL:  Intense exertion, manual labor, lack of sleep, travel. CHEMICAL: Drugs, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine and environmental pollutants such as cleaning chemicals or pesticides. MENTAL:  Perfectionism, worry, anxiety, long work hours. EMOTIONAL:  Anger, guilt, loneliness, sadness, fear. NUTRITIONAL: food allergies, vitamin and mineral deficiency TRAUMATIC:  Injuries or burns, surgery, illness, infections, extreme temperatures. OTHERS: Troubled relationships, financial or career pressures, challenges with life goals. The effects are minor aches to major health issues. Reiki is the energy work that helps the body release unwarranted stress and tension thus promotes healing and health. 

Learn Reiki, it is easy to learn. Contact 9872880634

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Reiki – Universal life force

Dr Mikao Usui, a Japanese seeker of spiritual truths, brought the Reiki method of healing into human awareness in 1922. Reiki is a form of energy healing used complementary to medical care. It is an effective form of Energy work that connects one to one’s own healing energy to unblock & strengthen its free flow. Thus Reiki practitioner transmits Universal Life Energy to ease tension & stress, create deep relaxation, reduce pain and speed up physical, emotional & mental healing towards a positive state of health.

Sunday, 23 September 2018

Benefits of chakra healing

Reiki influences all chakra-s, plexus in body and activates prana-the life force. It helps purify Vishuddha chakra or the throat centre to help restrain negative thoughts, Ajna chakra to activate pineal gland for bringing out cognitive (perception, judgment, memory & reasoning) potential, heart chakra for enhancing feeling of love & kindness, manipura chakra to regulate fire element that burns up toxins, muladhara and svadhishthana located at the base of spine and behind the root of genital to control sense organs and sublimation (purification and refinement) of vital energy.  

Saturday, 22 September 2018

Feeling Sadness ????? Our experiences color everything. The events of the past can have a profound effect on how we see our lives now & what we choose to believe about our world. Our past experiences can also influence our emotional reactions & responses to present events. Each of us reacts to stimulus based on what we have learned in life. There is no right or wrong to it; it is simply the result of past experience. Later, when our strong feelings have passed, we may be surprised at our reactions. Yet when we face a similar situation, again our reactions may be the same. When we understand those experiences, we can come that much closer to understanding our reactions & consciously change them. Learn Reiki Contact 9872880634

Reiki is a healing, that can be used along with other therapies. Reiki healing helps in increasing immunity. Stress blocks Energy flow. Conflicting thoughts and feeling of hurt get lodged in Chakras of body and subtle energy layers known as Aura. Any worry, tension, phobia, anger, depression, anxiety can block body energy flow. This results in decreased immunity and lowers regenerating power of tissues and body systems. The sufferings like body ache, Headache, Diabetes, Hypertension, Digestive disorders, Skin problems etc are due to block in energy flow. Reiki healing cleans and clears our Meridians and Chakras and provides free flow of life energy- Prana. It nourishes energy and physical body and healing takes place.

Thursday, 20 September 2018

When the body is physically ill, try treating emotions too & view the body as a whole.  

How the Body Clears Energy - Whole-Self Well-Being  

Whole-self well-being is, in part, the result of a harmonious flow of energy between our physical & mental selves. When this flow is thrown out of balance for any reason, the body & mind react to one another rather than act cooperatively. Ongoing stress, sadness, anxiety, excitement & fear can overwhelm the cerebral self, causing traumatic energy to be channeled into the body. The body then responds by taking steps to organically dispel the energy that has burdened it & expressing it by means of physical symptoms such as illness, fatigue, or disease.

In some cases, these symptoms can simply be allowed to run their natural course & recovery will come about naturally.

In most instances, however, health & wellness can only be restored by a dual course of treatment that acknowledges both the physical manifestations of energy clearing & the underlying emotional causes. Many of the ailments we experience over the course of our lives can be indicative of the body’s attempts to process intellectual & emotional energy.

Swollen glands, for example, can signal that you are going through a period of emotional cleansing. Even something as simple as a pimple can indicate that your body is ridding itself of toxins & old energy.

In Chinese medicine, intense emotions are held in the body’s organs as a matter of course. Grief lurks in the lungs, anger inhabits the liver, fretfulness lingers in the heart, worry is held in the stomach, and the kidneys harbor fright.

Particular illnesses & symptoms represent the body’s attempts to clear emotional energy. Coughs or bronchitis can signify that the physical self is clearing away grief while a loss of appetite may signal that worry is being actively addressed.

When you feel ill or imbalanced, treating your whole self rather than treating the physical self alone can empower you to determine the root cause of sickness. Since you understand that your physical symptoms may be an expression of emotional discomfort, you can establish a balanced treatment regimen to ensure that you quickly recover your good health. 

Learn Reiki – it is easy to learn Contact 9872880634

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Suffering from Life style disorders and Endocrine disorder -- both need regular treatment



REIKI  IS  EASY  TO  LEARN...........


Look inwards for peace and contentment. One easily gets swayed by the goings on around leaving one mentally exhausted. Look at the bigger picture and control your thoughts to navigate through unending worries. Persistent state of despair and sadness adversely affects mental and physical health.

Monday, 17 September 2018

Social phobia alternatively called social anxiety:

A person with social phobia may exhibit similar symptoms like those of panic disorder especially in social situations. Shaking, dizziness, shortness of breath, & heart palpitations may ensue when a person with social phobia finds his or herself at the center of attention or in the company of many people, regardless whether they are strangers or not.

An individual has his/her own issues, determined by their individualistic psyche, troubling them. There is need for clear distinction in mind on the type of issue and find ways to handle it accordingly. Some issues bring in excitement and exhilaration that require celebration. Others force an individual towards fight or flight mode, these require serious tackling. One’s perception is what drives you away from your normal human behavior. Talk out your problems, silence pushes you into intensified state of dejection. Communication provides warmth, hope and solution. In order to be mentally strong and emotionally healthy one has to learn to minimize triggers and tame responses. Understand the ways to deal with issue stressing, disturbing peace and calm in your life.