Sunday, 2 November 2014


People enjoy the company of individuals whose attitudes are persistently negative. Yet many of us tolerate the critical chatter that can originate within our own minds. Since we are so used to the stream of self-limiting, critical consciousness that winds its way through our thoughts, we are often unaware of the impact these musings have on our lives. It is only when we become aware of the power of such thoughts that we can divest ourselves of them & fill the emptiness they leave with loving, peaceful affirmations. Many people, upon paying careful attention to their thinking patterns, are surprised at the negativity they find there. But when we take notice of involuntary thoughts in a nonjudgmental way, we initiate a healing process that will eventually allow us to replace intimidating & upsetting self-talk with positive, empowering thoughts. 

While the occasional downbeat or judgmental thought may have little impact on your contentment, the ongoing negativity that passes unnoticed can have a dampening effect on your mood & your outlook. When you are aware of the tone of your thoughts, however, you can challenge them. Try to be conscious of your feelings, opinions & judgments for a single day. From morning to evening, scrutinize the messages you are feeding into your subconscious mind. Consider your thoughts from the perspective of a detached observer & try not to judge yourself based on the notions that come unbidden into your mind. Simply watch the flow of your consciousness & make a note of the number of times you find yourself focusing on gloomy notions or indulging in self-directed criticism. 

Saturday, 1 November 2014


There are times when we may find ourselves struggling or even fighting with our thoughts & emotions. We may feel that something must be done in a certain way or not at all, or there may be some other situation that feels absolutely black & white. But life is not this way—it’s the way we are looking at our experiences that is causing the turmoil within us. When we become aware that the struggle we are having is with ourselves, we can turn our attention to the source in order to solve the problem, but we must be being willing to look where we need to & feel emotions that may make us uncomfortable at first. Then we can choose to really open ourselves to understanding all the options we can imagine. We are likely to discover that we are resisting something based on a limited understanding & we must then open ourselves to willingness. 

When we are willing to look at all the possibilities, we also become willing to accept that there is room for more than we can imagine. We can release ourselves from the grip we had on our emotions & stop limiting ourselves. We may have been unwilling to experience feeling loss, confusion, fear, or even joy for some reason or another, but when we realize that our understanding was limited we allow space for the universe to move in our lives.